Sandro Fritschi
Olivia Tofte Abelin
Flavia Vilkama
Judith Baumeister
Julie Lequeux-Audran
Anton Wolff
Nadia Surowiec
Luís Henrique Canhão Mendanha Páscoa e Tavares
Saga Montell
Sébastien Herning
Kornelia Fehnle
Pauline Gähwiler
Beth Schmidt
Olivia Tofte Abelin
Flavia Vilkama
Judith Baumeister
Julie Lequeux-Audran
Anton Wolff
Nadia Surowiec
Luís Henrique Canhão Mendanha Páscoa e Tavares
Saga Montell
Sébastien Herning
Kornelia Fehnle
Pauline Gähwiler
Beth Schmidt
Music and architecture have influenced each other more than is often recognised in recent history. Two large movable speaker systems are developed, which use different frequencies to create vibrations and focal points of sound. Each speaker is a space which can be entered.
Structured by air, a snake-like inflatable room creates a space for conversation inside, defining an edge to the outside.
By dismantling a pavilion by the hangar, a skeletal frame is discovered. Dissecting it results in 6 buttress-like elements, which are reconfigured to create a hexagonal shape, reforming the material with a new expression. Sliced at each corner, the angles create the gesture of an opening. The roof overhang enclosed visitors closing the view line from the chest upward, with a tall hexagonal space at the center, illuminating the ceiling of the hangar.
Combined, the three spaces were inhabited at the closing ceremony, illuminating the space and hosting conversations and dancing.
PARABASE combines professional practice with research and teaching at the Universities of Bern and Mendrisio in Switzerland and at the Tec de Monterrey in Mexico. In addition, its partners are regularly invited to jurys and conferences at various universities in Europe and America. PARABASE’s work has received numerous awards and its work has been exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale and the Lisbon Triennale.
Carla Ferrando Costansa studied architecture at the ETSAV in Barcelona and at the Technical Universiteit Eindhoven. She has worked more than six years as an architect for Diener & Diener and Herzog & de Meuron in Basel. She has worked on several projects around the world, from small to large scale, and in different phases, from concept design to construction. Since 2021 she has been teaching and research assistant at the Bern University of Architecture and has been guest critic in several design studios. She is co-founder of PARABASE, an international collective operating within architecture and urbanism.
Pablo Garrido Arnaiz studied architecture at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, ETSAB and at the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, AAM. As an architect, he has worked at Foster & Partners, Miller & Maranta and Herzog & de Meuron. Since 2014 he is editor of Cartha Magazine with which he has participated in the 15th Biennale di Architettura di Venezia, the 4th Triennale de Arquitetura de Lisboa and has published a series of books with Park Books. He is currently Teaching & Research Assistant at the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio and has been invited as guest critic at several Universities. He is co-founder of PARABASE, an international collective operating within architecture and urbanism.