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Paraply Workshop 2023 — 100 Years, The Everyday

100 Years, The Everyday
100 years ago, in 1923, Le Corbusier published a groundbreaking collection of essays titled Vers une architecture, advocating for (and defining) a new modern architecture for the industrial age. Its principles influenced the built environment of the everyday for better, and for worse. Today, we live with the benefits and consequences of the systems derived from its manifesto. As the climate crisis looms over our time, we are facing a new age in which radical change is not only desired, but necessary. In today’s urgent turning point, we reflect on the lessons from the last 100 years, and look ahead toward the everyday of the next 100 years. What new architecture are we advocating for (and defining) for a regenerative age?
            Read more about Paraply 2023 in the Magasin for Bygningskunst og Kultur article by Jakob Ravn Abildgaard and Valentin Abend, Sweep the Floor.

Allan Wexler Group, Sweep the Floor

MacIver-Ek Chevroulet Group, DRIFT

PARABASE Group, Paraply Party

Workshop Leaders
Allan Wexler
MacIver-Ek Chevroulet
Artist and architect Allan Wexler from New York City, architects MacIver-Ek Chevroulet (Anna MacIver-Ek and Axel Chevroulet) from Zurich and architecture studio PARABASE (Pablo Garrido and Carla Ferrando) from Barcelona led the first edition of Paraply, bringing together their collective experience in architecture, design, teaching and reuse

The workshop marked the end of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art in its ‘hangar’. The Seaplane Hangar H53 building was originally designed in 1921 by architect Christian Olrich. It was one of the first pre-stressed concrete structures of its size in Denmark, used for the construction of large navy seaplanes. In 2001, architect Dorte Mandrup transformed the building into an unconventional open office space with an intervention white steel structures and curtains framing work spaces. In 2011, Dorte Mandrup adapted it again to become an educational space, accommodating functions as a workshop for 300 students from the Architecture Department, used as such until August 2023. 
            Paraply programming happened within the building’s empty skeleton among furniture being carried out, materials in flux and entire pavilions left behind. The immediate context of the workshop echoes the theme of regeneration: A moment of renewal at the end of the building’s current life. The large interior and open floors allow participants to spread out their ideas into direct spatial experiments.

Location: Dorte Mandrup, Seaplane Hangar H53

Guest Lecturers
A lecture series was curated to introduce a range of perspectives on “The Everyday” with talks by Anne Romme, associate professor and the head of program of FINDER STED at the Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Anton Ryslinge CEO and Christoffer Breitenbauch Chairperson from Arkitekten Uden Grænser (Architects Without Borders – Denmark), architect Søren Pihlmann, and Nicolay Boyadjiev, director of Practice Lab art Re:arc Institute.

Edited by Claude Lichtenstein and Thomas Schregenberger, As Found, The Discovery of the Ordinary, 2001
Michel De Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, 2011
12th International Architecture Biennale of São Paulo, Todo dia/Everyday, 2019
Alexander Brodsky, Vodka Pavilion, 2003
Raymond Williams, Culture is Ordinary, 1958
Alexandra Lucas Coelho, Indigenous populations are better prepared than us for future catastrophes, 2019
Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac, The Future We Choose, 2021
Kim Stanley Robinson, The Ministry for the Future, 2020
Edited by Ilka and Andreas Ruby, The Materials Book, 2020
Material Cultures, Material Cultures, 2022
William McDonough, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, 2002
Re:arc institute Revision(s), Architectures of Planetary Wellbeing, 2023
Barnabas Calder, Architecture from Prehistory to Climate Emergency, 2022
Keller Easterling, Medium Design: Knowing How to Work on the World, 2021
Keller Easterling, The Action is the Form, 2011
Edited by Benjamin H. Bratton, Nicolay Boyadjiev and Nick Axel, The New Normal, 2020
Georges Perec, Species of Spaces and Other Pieces, 2008

Paraply School

Philip De Langes Allé 10
1435 Copenhagen
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